

The hospital of Santa Engracia.

The town that we know today as Santa Engracia (Sainte-Engrâce), located in the heart of the Alta Zuberoa mountains in the vicinity of the borders of Zuberoa, Béarn, Aragón and Navarre, was once called Urdaix and It has a church dedicated to Saint Magdalene (Foix, 1922 and 1923). Towards the middle of the s. XI, the name of Urdaix was replaced by that of Sainte-Engr ce-du-Port. The regular canons of San Agustn had already founded a collegiate church there whose church possesses the relic of the arm of Santa Engracia. Legend has it that this saint, a Lusitanian virgin, suffered martyrdom in Zaragoza around the year 300, and that her relics were venerated there. But, some thieves cut off the arm that was loaded with jewels and fled to the Basque Country. They buried their treasure in the forest where it was discovered thanks to a bull that came to kneel every day in this place (Menjoulet, p. 187). They dug in the place and discovered the relic that was placed in the church, which has since become a place of pilgrimage. The fact is that the convent had the name of the hospital and that it received the poor and pilgrims. The latter could reach the Roncal valley and, via the Leire monastery, continue their route to Puente la Reina.