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22 articles


See ZUBEROA (Index Voice).The church of Berroeta.This church, which probably dated from the 11th century, became the parish church of Maul on when thi(...)Read the article

Donostia / San Sebastian. History (Place Names)

Main article Donostia / San SebastiánHistory of Donostia / San Sebastián from the Middle Ages to the end of the Franco regime.--Jatorrizko testua:&n(...)Read the article

GUEVARA HOUSE (Unassigned)

There are many problems posed by the genealogy of the House of Guevara up to the fourteenth century. The classic versions of Fernán Pérez de Ayala ((...)Read the article


Lemóniz nuclear power plant. Nuclear power plant equipped with two 930 megawatt plants located in the Basordas cove, Armintza and Bakio (Bizkaia). I(...)Read the article

Emakume Abertzale Batza (Associations)

Women's Association of the Basque Nationalist Party . Its activities cover two periods separated by seven years of dictatorship and one of transition (...)Read the article

ABREGO DE LACY, José María (Theologians)

Theologo and teacher born in Pamplona (Navarra) on March 25, 1945. Jesuit. Son of José M. Abrego Narvarte, a remonta pelotari known as Abrego II, and(...)Read the article

Arzallus Antia, Amets (Bertso Singers)

Bertsolari de Lapurdi. Born in Saint Jean de Luz on November 9, 1983, although he has lived in Hendaye since he was a child.He studied journalism at t(...)Read the article

Zumalakarregi, Tomas (1788-1835) (Military)

Famous Gipuzkoan military man. Born in Ormaiztegi on December 29, 1788 in Caser o Arandi-Enea, he died in Zegama (Gipuzkoa) on June 24, 1835.(...)Read the article

French Revolution (Concept)

The French Revolution that begins in 1789 and ends in 1799 is a troubled period of time in which numerous political and social changes take place in F(...)Read the article

Rallo Sagarzazu, Xalba (Musicians)

Tenor, singing teacher and choir conductor, born in Biarritz, on February 15, 1963.He received his first musical education from his mother, Guadalupe (...)Read the article


The affair of the Basque nuclear power plants dates back to 1973, the year in which Iberduero presented a coercive plan for the implementation of two (...)Read the article

Gayarre Garjón, Sebastián Julián (Singers)

Lyric tenor. His voice was described as the "most beautiful, most harmonious, most fascinating, softest in nuances, in a word, most angelic" of univer(...)Read the article

Aguirre Bilbao, Xavier (Politicians and Public Officials)

Basque political and business personality, born in Bilbao on December 25, 1934.PhD in Industrial Engineering from the Bilbao Higher School of Industri(...)Read the article


Writer born on April 27, 1845 in Aldudes (Baja Navarra). He died in Montevideo (Uruguay) on September 12, 1937.On March 29, 1881, he married Margarita(...)Read the article

Iturbide Orduña, Emilio (Literary Figures)

Writer born in Peralta on July 10, 1915 and died in Pamplona on January 15, 1978.Settled in the Navarrese capital since childhood, he studied Philosop(...)Read the article

SARALEGI MUJIKA, Ekaitz (Handball)

Gipuzkoan pelotari born in Amezketa on August 14, 1979.He made his debut on February 25, 2001 at the Beotibar in Tolosa, a fronton for which he has al(...)Read the article

La marquesa de Montehermoso, Condesa de Echauz (Monarchy and Nobility)

Maria del Pilar Acedo y Sarria, daughter of José Acedo, Count of Echauz and Mara Luisa Sarria Villafa e, Countess of Vado, was born in Tolosa on Marc(...)Read the article

Lizundia Zamalloa, José María (Literary Figures)

Born in Bilbao in 1951, he is a writer, essayist, editor and lawyer. Since 1980 he has lived in Santa Cruz de Tenerife where he dedicated himself to t(...)Read the article

Borja Álvarez, Antón (Biographies)

Professor and economist born in Bilbao (1945). Graduated in Industrial Engineering, his vocation was training, initially working as a teacher in diffe(...)Read the article

Goñi Erostarbe, José “Porteño” (Biographies)

Pelotari in the modality of ratchet, born in Chivilcoy, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina).Possibly one of the best players who ever knew the specia(...)Read the article