

Ordiarp's assignment.

Let's return to the path from Maul on to Ostabat passing through Ordiarp. There was already, in 1189, in this town, a community that lived under the direction of an abbot. Around 1270 it joined the abbey of Roncesvalles and a commendatory-hospital was founded there (Dubarat, 1887). This was governed by a canon who held the title of commander and who was appointed by the prior of Roncesvalles: he received the income from the parishes of Musculdy, Ordiarp, Idaux, Mendy, Viodos and Garindein. Of the seven encomiendas that Roncesvalles owned in the continental Basque Country, Ordiarp was the richest, but the pilgrims and poor of Zuberoa received almost nothing from this income, which was sent directly to Roncesvalles. The parish priest was legally appointed by Roncesvalles and held the title of perpetual vicar, as the abbot's chapter was the holder of the parish. As for the commander, he was a judge at the court of Licharre. Built in the 11th century, the parish church of Saint-Michel was a beautiful building with three naves, in the Romanesque style. It was partly destroyed in 1569, during the religious wars, and restored at the end of the 19th century. The architecture is sober, with a nave and collaterals, without a transept, an apse and apses. Today it is classified as a historical monument.