Arostegi, Agustín

52 articles

Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial (Services)

SPRISPRI, an acronym for Sociedad para la Promoción y Reconversión Industrial, its original name, is a development agency created by the Basque Gove(...)Read the article

ARTIKUTZA (Neighbourhoods)

Estate belonging to Donostia-San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa), located in the Navarrese town of Goizueta.In 1919, the Donostia-San Sebastián Town Council bo(...)Read the article

Arvizu Galarraga, Fernando (Jurists)

Navarrese lawyer born in Pamplona on 14 October 1950. Doctorate in Law from the University of Navarre (1975). 1978 and 1979 he was a lecturer in Histo(...)Read the article

APALANTZA, Gorka (Motorsport)

Driver from Guipuzcoa, born in Errezil. He started out in the world of karting, later dedicating himself to the rallysprint modality. Guided by André(...)Read the article

ESCUBI LARRAZ, José María (Biographies)

Estudiante de medicina. Militante de ETA en los primeros años de la organización. Cobró visos legendarios su audacia y su habilidad para burlar a l(...)Read the article


Aldazabal II. Hand pelota player. A fullback player, he was Spanish amateur junior champion. In 1973 he made his professional debut in Eibar, with Pas(...)Read the article

La Revolución Industrial en Euskal Herria (Concept)

Llamamos Revolución Industrial al proceso de cambio que transformó a la sociedad en diferentes aspectos, principalmente económicos, sociales y demo(...)Read the article

Aguirre Monasterio, Rafael (Theologians)

Theologian born in Bilbao in 1941, Jesuit religious. Professor of Sacred Scripture, dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Deusto and director(...)Read the article

Alvaro Ocáriz, José Andrés (Biographies)

José Andrés Alvaro Ocáriz is an educator, writer and cultural disseminator born in San Sebastián on 25 July 1962.He has a degree in Hispanic Philo(...)Read the article

Apellániz Castroviejo, Juan María (Archaeologists)

Multifaceted archaeologist born in Bilbao (Bizkaia) on 12 January 1932.He studied for the priesthood at the seminary in Vitoria until 1955, Philosophy(...)Read the article

Aldazabal Bardají, Peio (Cinema-TV-Radio)

Filmmaker from Guipuzcoa, born in San Sebastian on August 24, 1949. He studied Industrial Officialía Industrial in the Professional School San I(...)Read the article

School canteens in Donostia-San Sebastian (Concept)

School canteens were charitable institutions that provided free food to needy children throughout the school year.The initial initiative was philanthr(...)Read the article