

The church of L'pital-Saint-Blaise.

Wrapped in on itself around its octagonal bell tower, this robust church is the most beautiful of all the Romanesque churches in Zuberoa and the best preserved, together with that of Santa Engracia. The plant is in the form of a Greek cross, with a central section higher than the others, crowned by a dome and surrounded on its four sides by as many sections. Two rectangular chapels are added to the east on each side of the transept. The plant is identical to that of pital d' Orion, 30 kms. from there. At the intersection of the transept, the ribbed dome is reminiscent of that of Santa Cruz de Olorín. Its eight-pane vault is reinforced by means of arches that draw an eight-branched star, whose points rest on thick corbels (Durliat et Allégre, 1978).