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146 articles

Antropología Física (Concept)

The Basque people have always lived at the western end of the Pyrenees, straddling the border Spain and France and looking towards the Bay of Biscay.(...)Read the article


See GEOGRAPHY (Index voice).Read the article

La Tamborrada de San Sebastián (Festivals-Events)

A characteristic celebration of the patron saint's day festivities of the city of San Sebastian, which since relatively recent times has also been hel(...)Read the article


See GEOGRAFIA (Index).The Basque Country is the name given to the territorial area delimited by the recent use of the Basque language, i.e. (...)Read the article

FRANCISCANS (Religious Orders)

They comprise three orders: the first order (founded in 1209) or Ordo Fratrum Minorum, made up of the Franciscans proper (O.F.M.), the Conventuals (O.(...)Read the article


Ver GEOGRAFÍA. (Voz Índice).Read the article

Gamazada (Concept)

This is the name given to the period of fueros agitation that Navarre experienced from the spring of 1893 to February of the following year, due to th(...)Read the article

BORDER (ECONOMY) (Unassigned)

The commercial border: customs and smuggling. Customs and, on the other side of the border, smuggling, a profession or a crime depending on how you lo(...)Read the article


The Gipuzkoan coast is generally abrupt, with mountains that present to the sea escarpments and high cliffs, or rocky wastes. This rough profile has f(...)Read the article


See GEOGRAPHY (Index voice).Read the article

GUDARI (Lexicon)

Basque word equivalent, from the etymological point of view, to the Spanish "guerrero". It is consigned in Aizquivel's 1838 Basque-Spanish Dictionary (...)Read the article

ABADÍA DE BELLOC (Monasteries)

Benedictine monastery founded in Belloc (Urt, Laburdi) by Father Augustine Bastres, from Saint-Pée, Laburdi. In 1874, the Basque novices of the Bened(...)Read the article

Beristain Amallobieta, Félix (Painters)

Painter born in Ondarroa, Bizkaia, on 16 July 1937.His vocation for painting awoke in him from a very early age. The numerous painters who came to do (...)Read the article


This is the traditional name given to the meadows hanging over the Araiz valley in Navarre, but today, by extension, it is applied to the whole of the(...)Read the article

University of Oñati. History (Universities)

An academic institution created in the 16th century whose life lasted, with ups and downs due to its precarious economic situation, until the 20th cen(...)Read the article

IDOIA (Hermits)

Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de Idoia. It is in Navarre, in the municipality of Isaba. It is located 15 minutes from the town, opposite the centre of (...)Read the article

Baztandarren Biltzarra (Concept)

This is the name given to the most representative festival in the Baztan valley. It has been held on the Sunday after or before the festival of Santia(...)Read the article

KASKAROT (Lexicon)

Cascarote. A racial minority established in Laburdi in the coastal area, especially in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Ziburu and Urruña. Their origin is unknown,(...)Read the article


Political organisation created in the summer of 1975 to coordinate the various groups that had emerged around ETA: ETA PM, ETA M, EHAS, LAIA, LAB LAK.(...)Read the article

ARABS (Lexicon)

History. From the beginning of the Muslim invasion and, above all, from the invasion of the upper Ebro basin, the first armed contacts the Basques and(...)Read the article