This is the traditional name given to the meadows hanging over the Araiz valley in Navarre, but today, by extension, it is applied to the whole of the Aralar cirque from Mount Alborta to Balerdi. The Malloas form part of the Araiz and Betelu commons. "The meadows were closed to livestock during the spring and summer, when the segalaris - sometimes tied up, so that they could cut on the slope - scythed the grass which, dried and in bundles, slid along steel cables to the farmhouse or the surrounding area. Until a few years ago there were dozens of cables in the Malloa, but this hay collection is almost a mere memory. In any case, whether it has been mown or not, the sheep can graze on the slopes at the end of the summer" ("Navarra. Paseos naturalísticos. C. A. N. 1981"). The cliffs of Las Malloas are home to choughs, common ravens, Egyptian vultures, kestrels, common falcons and a small colony of vultures and the common buzzard. The rocky ridge that emerges in the Aralar pastures, above the Malloas, runs continuously from the Navarrese valley of Larraun to the Balerdi or Mallo-zar, also in the Navarrese valley of Araiz. From the East, they start with the Alborta (1,216 m.), a mountain covered in pastureland. Access via the Etzanda cirque is not difficult. Then the Tuturre -Urdanotako Tuturre- (1,281 m.), which stands out for its pronounced cone, now completely devoid of grass and like the previous one in Navarre. Access from the Atakatzar pass, over the Etzanda cirque, with Beloki to the S. and its limestone peak standing out to the right. In this direction we can cross the Malkores hollows, a small labyrinth with an overhang. The next peak in this rocky series is Irumugarrieta (1,427 m.). "It is the highest elevation in the Aralar mountain range, and its name, which means three passes, is due to the fact that the valleys of Larraun and Araiz in Navarre and Amézketa in Guipuzcoa coincide here" (Fco. Ripa). If we take the Igaratza field as our starting point, we follow the Navarre-Guipuzcoa dividing wire fence to the summit cross, known as Intzako Torrea. Aldaon (1,390 m), separated from Irumugarneta by the Baratzail pass. From this narrow pass, with a view over the Araiz valley and turning our back on Irumugarrieta, following the wire fence that runs along the back of the mountain, the height is crowned. Beoin (1,303 m.). On the same line as the previous one. We continue along the wire fence and after a short descent we start to climb. Oakorri (1,170 m). Follow the crest in gentle descent. Nice view over Txindoki. You can continue on to the Astunalde pass. Artubi or Ardigain ( 1,265 m.). From Astunalde, after a short climb, the summit is reached. Balerdi or Mallozar (1,179 m.). Separated from the previous one by the sharp, narrow ridge with views of both sides of Gipuzkoa and Navarre. For some time it was signposted with a red cloth indicating danger. It is the extreme point of the Malloas ridge, of which it offers an exceptional overall view. The peaks of Balerdi, Artubi, Oakorri, Beoin, Aldaon and Irumugarrieta mark the dividing line Navarre and the communal unions of several villages in Guipúzcoa. Urdanotako Tururre and Alborta are located entirely in Navarre.