On April 27, 1979, after an anti-nuclear week at the Euskadi level, a large demonstration was held in Bilbao. At the weekend, dozens of traps in town halls, local demonstrations, round tables, delivery of dossiers to town halls, etc... take place all over Padre Vasco. On May 11, an Assembly of Port Workers with representatives of the SLMN KAIA and OTP decided to boycott the cargo of the Covadonga steamer consisting of various material for the Lemniz nuclear power plant, including among other parts the part of the reactor damaged by ETA in the attack of March 17, 1978 in the central unit. After four days of waiting, the Covadonga has to go to Bordeaux where the port workers, coordinated with the Basques, put up problems for the unloading of the material for Lemniz. English dockers send telegrams of solidarity to the Biscayan workers. On the night of the 15th, those in charge of the ship transferred it to the Nore to III and disembarked it the next day at the dock of the factor to ENUSA (Estudios Nucleares, SA).