Rodriguez Zuazua, Joseba

74 articles

GROS, Tomas (Biographies)

A neighbour of Donostia-San Sebastián who gave his name to one of the most popular neighbourhoods of modern Donostia. When the City Council decided i(...)Read the article

IRRINTZI (Lexicon)

It is a shrill, sonorous, prolonged, one-breath cry that shepherds like to make resound on the flanks of the mountains and that the Basques in general(...)Read the article

El Concepto de Género (Concept)

The concept of gender refers to the dynamic, historical and changing process by which the meaning that being a woman or a man acquires in a given soci(...)Read the article

Chillida Belzunce, Eduardo (Painters)

A painter from Guipuzcoa born in San Sebastian in 1964, son of a sculptor.He began to develop his artistic skills at a very early age, his first engra(...)Read the article

Gainza, Manuel (Managers)

Músico guipuzcoano. Nace en Tolosa el 18 de mayo de 1885 y muere en Getxo el 1 de abril de 1943.Discípulo de Gorriti y Mocoroa, fue además organist(...)Read the article

Echeverría Pagola, Abilio (Poets)

Poet born in Ugar de Yerri (Navarra) in 1915. Died on September 9, 1997.He studied Humanities and Philosophy with the Franciscan Fathers. Later he spe(...)Read the article


Name given to the "Basque National State" which was to result from the unification of the Basque Countries of France and Spain under the protection of(...)Read the article

De Amézaga y Zabala, Abraham (Biographies)

Writer, journalist and lecturer specialising in luxury and quality, born in Bilbao on 5 December 1974.With a degree in French Philology, the fruit of (...)Read the article


As for the first element of this name, see . As for baratza, we can say that in current speech it means orchard. But in the past it must also have mea(...)Read the article

Goñi Erostarbe, José “Porteño” (Biographies)

Pelotari in the modality of ratchet, born in Chivilcoy, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina).Possibly one of the best players who ever knew the specia(...)Read the article

Gorriti Goldaracena, Joan (Sculptors)

Sculptor from Navarre, born in Oderitz in 1942.Since 1975, when he held his first exhibition in Arribe, he has participated in more than twenty group (...)Read the article

Bienzobas Gárate, Roberto (Biographies)

Musician born in Bilbao in 1952. From a young age he studied harmony, chamber music and orchestra and choir conducting. He studied counterpoint, fugue(...)Read the article

Goia Muniain, José (1756-1807) (Religious People)

Religioso navarro nacido en Azanza el 9 de julio de 1756. Estudió ambos derechos en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Llegó a ser canónigo de Sevilla, au(...)Read the article


Allocution delivered by King Alfonso XII on 13 March 1876 at the end of the Second Carlist War with the defeat of the rebels. It was written by the Mi(...)Read the article