
Emakume Abertzale Batza

With the fall of the dictatorship (1923-1930) and the semi-dictatorship of Berenguer (1930-1931), the Emakumes reappeared as an institution alongside the other Basque entities, in June 1931. By then both parties had already joined Basques in one, the PNV and the newspaper "Euzkadi" represented the entire Basque nationalist family. On June 25, the new Board of Directors was appointed: president: Karmele de Errazti; Vice President: Concepción de Gangoiti; secretary: Alicia de Aretxabaleta; treasurer: Mar a Jesús de Ibaseta; Deputy Secretary: Consuelo de Gallastegui; Members: Jesusa Fresnedo de Arbeloa, Paulina Ramos de Orueta, and Concepción de Unzueta. The regulation was approved by the GC on June 15, 1931. Art. 1. It said: "The object of this Association will be the union of all the Basque women lovers of Jaungoikua eta Lagi-Zarra, to spread it throughout Euzkadi, using all the means within their reach and in accordance with their sex and condition, the doctrine contained in the aforementioned motto, developing its main activities and initiatives, oriented to the Basque social aspect and of a cultural and charitable nature". In the art. 3 stated that "it is the duty of the associated Basque speakers to speak Basque in the Society's premises and to learn it from those who are not". The other articles refer to the admission (from the age of 12) and expulsion and readmission of associates. This regulation was amended by adding the following provision on the purpose of the Organization: "Assist morally, materially, patriotically and politically, to all our brothers in Ideal and Race (town), who need it. Try to alleviate the pains of the needy and level the imbalance of justice, through the practice of Christian charity". In the "EAB" Report of 1932, it was added: "we long for and pursue the formation of Basque homes full of patriotic feeling, of homeland life, in a word. We want, through our mediation, emakumes, each Basque home to be a small homeland as we wish it; strong and vigorous, physically, and profoundly Christian". In the mentioned manifesto the aims of the Association are specified, in the family society, in the patriotic society, in the civic society, in the political and social aspects.

Original text: Bernardo Estornés Lasa