Batua Itzultzaile automatikoa

51 articles

Fabre, Louis Marie Hyacinthe (1807-1875) (Literary Figures)

Colaborador del príncipe de Bonaparte. Era empleado de aduanas en Ainhoa (Lapurdi). Traduce por encargo del príncipe el catecismo de Astete del nava(...)Read the article

Iturbide Orduña, Emilio (Literary Figures)

Writer born in Peralta on July 10, 1915 and died in Pamplona on January 15, 1978.Settled in the Navarrese capital since childhood, he studied Philosop(...)Read the article

La marquesa de Montehermoso, Condesa de Echauz (Monarchy and Nobility)

Maria del Pilar Acedo y Sarria, daughter of José Acedo, Count of Echauz and Mara Luisa Sarria Villafa e, Countess of Vado, was born in Tolosa on Marc(...)Read the article

Alvaro Ocáriz, José Andrés (Biographies)

José Andrés Alvaro Ocáriz is an educator, writer and cultural disseminator born in San Sebastián on 25 July 1962.He has a degree in Hispanic Philo(...)Read the article

Nodrizas en Gipuzkoa (Concept)

Un ama de crianza o nodriza era una mujer que amamantaba a un lactante que no era su hijo.Los motivos más frecuentes para su utilización eran el aba(...)Read the article

Goñi Erostarbe, José “Porteño” (Biographies)

Pelotari in the modality of ratchet, born in Chivilcoy, province of Buenos Aires (Argentina).Possibly one of the best players who ever knew the specia(...)Read the article

Bienzobas Gárate, Roberto (Biographies)

Musician born in Bilbao in 1952. From a young age he studied harmony, chamber music and orchestra and choir conducting. He studied counterpoint, fugue(...)Read the article

Hamarreko (Concept)

The hamarreko is a type of traditional Basque stanza whose meaning is literally: %u201Cde diez%u201D 1 . It is one of the popular forms most used in b(...)Read the article

Goia Muniain, José (1756-1807) (Religious People)

Religioso navarro nacido en Azanza el 9 de julio de 1756. Estudió ambos derechos en la Universidad de Zaragoza. Llegó a ser canónigo de Sevilla, au(...)Read the article

School canteens in Donostia-San Sebastian (Concept)

School canteens were charitable institutions that provided free food to needy children throughout the school year.The initial initiative was philanthr(...)Read the article

Viruela en Gipuzkoa (Concept)

During the 18th century, smallpox was the infectious disease that most aggressively decimated the population in Gipuzkoa (1).In the 18th century, one (...)Read the article