The affair of the Basque nuclear power plants dates back to 1973, the year in which Iberduero presented a coercive plan for the implementation of two nuclear power plants in Lemíniz, Deba and Ispester-Ea. Given the high concentration of people in the country and the rules of the Atomic Energy Commission of the USA that imposes that nuclear power plants are located more than 50 km. of the populations that exceed half a million inhabitants, the popular opposition to the project was total; all of Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia and part of lava, Navarra and Santander are included in a radius of action that exceeds the threshold of 50 km. The project foresees for Deba the installation of two groups of 1,000 megawatts each in Punta Endala, Itxaspe and the Elorriaga neighborhood, occupying an area of 300,000 m and 700 m. Coast. According to the Iberduero project, one line would go out to Aizarna and another to Elgoibar. 1 km. away is a reservoir. The preparations for the completion of the project were carried out quickly, with landlords such as Mendata and Zakoneta seeing the need to sell off the land, but the mobilization of the population and the general movement against the project managed to stop it. On April 27, 1976, the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council released a report made by the multinational Daves Moore Iberia in plenary session, which established that Deva was not the appropriate location for the installation of the projected nuclear power plant. by Iberduero. Said declaration acted as a trigger for the creation of the "Commission for the Defense of a non-nuclear Basque Coast" with the participation of Town Halls, associations, professional associations, etc. The arguments adduced by the report -excessive human concentration in the area, insufficiency of the study carried out by Iberduero, damage or irreparable damage to the marine ecological - are valid and are also being used against the installation of nuclear power plants. in Lemniz and Isp ster-Ea.