

The authors of the pastorals (adapters and stage directors at the same time) were responsible for maintaining the tradition of folk theatre. From various trades (farmers, shoemakers, teachers, etc.), they followed a custom borrowed from their elders and, as in the case of the bersolaris, we can find several of them in the same family. They were people of a certain cultural level, as they could read and write at a time when the majority of the population was illiterate. Georges Hérelle compiled a list of some seventy-five authors from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The most prolific among them are: in the 18th century, Bernard Etchebarne de Sarrikota (Charritte), Agie de Atharratze (quoted by Michel and Chaho) and Jean Mecol I de Garindañe. In the 19th century, Jean Mecol II, Jean-Pierre and Jean-Baptiste Saffores of Atharratze, Jakes Oihenarte of Uhart-Mixe, the Pée-Laborde of Arette and Jean-Pierre Héguiaphal I of Sohüta (Chéraute). In the 20th century, Jean Aguer of Atharratze, Pierre Salaber, Jean-Piene Héguiaphal II and Marcelin Héguiapahal.