

The anthem par excellence of the "gamazada" and its Basque repercussions was the Gernikako Arbola, which was sung ad nauseam throughout the Basque Country and even had lyrics written in Spanish:

Navarra te salaDiputación Foraly wants you to listen to this song.

Our lives and estates are yours from now on and no one will come to erase our privileges because there are hearts that love you with love and want death more than to live without honour.

Hermilio de Olóriz paraphrased the famous "Oigo, Patria, tu aflicción..." (I hear, Fatherland, your affliction...) and everywhere there was a proliferation of coplas such as:

"A Gamazo con un mazole tenemos que pegarleporque son nuestros Fuerosy nos quiere los quitar" (We have to hit Gamazo with a sledgehammer because the Fueros are ours and he wants to take them away from us).

Or also:

"Si a Gamazo lo cortaran en rajasen, como a un melón,no tuvrían los navarrospenas en el corazón" (If Gamazo were cut into slits, like a melon, the people of Navarre would not have any scars in their hearts).

In 1902, 30 anti-gamacist songs were published in Pamplona under the title ¡Viva Navarra y vivan los Fueros!