Priest (1906) born in Azkoitia on 16th October 1880 and doctor in Theology (1903) and Law (1906) at the Pontifical University of Comillas. He was curate of Itziar (1906) and San Vicente de Donostia-San Sebastián; parish priest of Irún (1917-1928). He cultivated the Basque language in his preaching and was involved in promoting the Koruko Andre Mariaren Irakaskuntza schools and the Eusko Esnaleak society. With a fundamentalist background, he was concerned about the progress of socialism among the indigenous Basques.
Bishop-elect of Santander by Pius XI on 20 October 1928. Promoter of the Catholic Action Youth. Imprisoned during the last civil war, he managed to be released thanks to the efforts of the autonomous government of Euzkadi, leaving for Spain and returning to Santander in September 1937, a diocese that had suffered terrible anti-clerical persecution. He expressed his support for the "glorious national army", but he was one of the very few Spanish bishops who, during the period of National Catholicism, publicly insisted on the need for reconciliation, avoiding hatred and revenge, and forgiveness as a foundation for peace. Nor did he reduce the civil-military confrontation to the religious aspect, but admitted its social character as a class struggle, apportioning blame the two sectors.
He died in Santander on 6 May 1961.
He was a great music lover throughout his life. He played the organ, the clarinet and the drum, and composed several mainly religious works, including: "Himno a la Virgen del Juncal de Irún", "Himno a la Virgen Bien Aparecida de Santander", "Himno a la Virgen del Mar de Santander", a salve and "Hosanna".
Translated with (free version)
- Claro Cano, T: "Pensamiento pastoral y catequético de D. José Eguino y Trecu". Santander, 1990.
- Rey, J: ·"El obispo bueno". Santander, 1963.
- V.V.A.A. (Marauri Villanueva, coord.): "La Iglesia de Cantabria". Santander Obispado, 2002.
- ARANBARRI, S.: Azkoiti: musikariak, idazleak, pentsalariak: musikari, literaturari, politikari, filosofiari ta teologiari buruz azterketa Saioa. (pp. 82-86). [San Sebastián] : [s.n.], 1990.
- ZAPIRAIN, J. M. : Eguino Trecu, José. En Casares, E. (dir.), Diccionario de la Música Española e Hispanoamericana (v. 4, p. 634). [Madrid]: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999.