

River Urola. It rises at an altitude of 720 m. in the northern foothills of Aitzgorri in the municipality of Legazpia. It is formed by the Brinkola and Barrendiola streams, which join at Olazarra. Its course continues northwards, passing through Legazpia and then Villarreal de Urretxua and Zumárraga. From here to Azcoitia, the river flows the mountains, the foothills of the Irimo, Izazpi, Elosua and Pagotxeta mountains. In Azcoitia it changes course towards the east, forced by the mass of Izarraitz. Azcoitia and Azpeitia it crosses the fertile plain of the Sanctuary of Loyola. From Azpeitia it heads north again and heads towards Cestona. In the district of Iraeta, the course of the Urola begins a series of wide turns to skirt around Mount Azkárate and its foothills with the villages of Aizarnazábal and Oikina. The great meanders of the Urola unfold around Bedúa and the vicinity of San Miguel de Artadi until they reach the sea at Zumaya. Its main tributaries are the Urrestilla or Ibaiederra, the Régil and the Narruondo.