Religious People

ASBAJE, Juana de

In addition to the one already mentioned in the course of this biography, their number is constantly increasing. Her works, which circulated in manuscript, began to be collected in 1689 under the patronage of the vicereine Countess of Paredes, a great friend of Sor Juana's. The first volume of these works appeared under the title Inundación Catálida de la única poetisa, musa dézima. The first volume of these works appeared under the title Inundación Catálida de la única poetisa, musa dézima, sor Juana Inés de la Cruz... (Catholic Flood of the only poetess, tenth muse, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz...). This title was replaced in the second edition by Poemas. The second volume was published in Seville in 1691. The third, in Madrid, in 1700: Fama y obras posthumas del Fénix de México, dézima americana, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Diego Calleja, a Jesuit, published a short biography in Lisbon in 1701. The complete works were reprinted several times in Madrid, Barcelona, Saragossa, Valencia, the last complete edition being the one published in Spain in 1725. Vieyra challenged by Mother Sister Juana Inés de la Cruz... and defended by Mother Sister Margarita Ignacia, a nun of St. Augustine, in her convent of Santa Monica in the city of Lisbon. The sermon of Father Antonio Vieyra's Mandate, which Mother Sister Juana contested..., is placed at the beginning. (Madrid, 1731); Estudios biográficos y críticos sobre algunos poetas sudamericanos anteriores al siglo XIX, by J. M. Gutiérrez (Buenos Aires, 1865); Obras selectas de la célebre monja Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, precedidas de biografía y juicio crítico, by León Mera (Quito, 1873). Biblioteca de escritores españoles, by Manuel Serrano y Sanz (Madrid, 1903, t. I); Juana de Asbaje, by Amado Nervo, Leída por Amado Nervo, el 28 de abril de 1910 en la Unión Iberoamericana de Madrid; Biblioteca de Autores Españoles, by Rivadeneira, whose volumes XLII and XLIX contain part of her poetic and prose works; Sor ,Juana Inés de la Cruz, su vida y su obra, by Ezequiel A. Chávez (Barcelona, 1931); Sor Juana de la Cruz, by Elizabeth Wallace (Mexico, 1944); La familia de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, by Ramírez España (Mexico, 1947); Obras completas de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, by Alfonso Méndez Plancarte (Mexico, 1951). In 1951, on the occasion of the third centenary of Sor Juana, the Mexican newspaper Novedades organised a literary-pictorial competition on her personality. Alberto G. Salceda won with his work Los amores de Sor Juana (Sor Juana's Loves). In painting, Roberto Reveles won first place and José Luis Ezquerra was awarded a mention. The essay by Cecilia G. de Guilarte: Ensayo incompleto sobre la vida y la obra de Sor Juana (Incomplete essay on the life and work of Sor Juana) received an Honourable Mention. The first prize text and the portraits were published in the Sunday Supplement of the aforementioned newspaper in November 1951 Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Poesía y Teatro, selection and prologue by Matilde Muñoz (Madrid, 1964). There are unpublished manuscripts. Some letters and papers must be in the possession of the descendants of Don Juan de Orbe y Arbieto, Marquis of Valdespina.