
Ferrer y Cafranga, José Joaquín

Jose Joaquin Ferrerrek astronomia- eta geodesia-behaketari buruzko hogeita hamar artikulu inguru argitaratu zituen aldizkari ospetsuetan, hala nola, Transactions of the American Philosophical Society eta Royal Astronomical Society (Memoirs y Monthly Notices). Hemen aipatuenetakoak baino ez ditugu bilduko: (1809) "Astronomical observations made chiefly for the purpose of determining the geographical positions of various places in the United States and other parts of North America in 1804." Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 6, 158-164, 360-361; (1827) "Observations made in the Island of Cuba." Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society 3, 1-38. Valerak (2006:99-103) katalogatu ditu Ferrerrek atzerrian argitaratutako lanak.