
Laxalt Alpetche, Robert

  • The violent land; tales the old timers tell [Lur biolentoa; zaharrek kontatzen dituzten ipuinak], Reno, 1953, 68. or..
  • Sweet promised land [Zin egindako lur maitea], 1957, New York, 176. or., Baskische Heimkeher (1959) izenburuarekin alemanera itzulita eta y frantsesera Mon père était berger izenburuarekin (1969 eta 1972).
  • "Basque Trouvadour" [Trobalari euskalduna], Atlantic Monthly, 1963, 138-139.
  • A man in the wheatfield [Gizona galsoroan], New York, 1964, 178. or..
  • "Basque sheepherders, lonely sentinels of the American West", National Geographic Magazine, 1966, CXXIX, 879-888 [Euskal artzainak, Amerika Mendebaldeko zentinela bakartiak].
  • "Land of the ancient Basques", National Geographic Magazine, 1968, CXXXIV, (2. zk.), 240-277 [Antzinako euskaldunen lurra].
  • In a hundred graves, a Basque portrait, Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1972 (146. or., 23 cm.) [Ehun hilobitan, euskal erretratu bat].
  • "The enduring Pyrenees. Photographs by Edwin Stuart Grosvenor", National Geographic Magazine, 1974, CXLVI, 794-819.
  • "A eulogy [to E. Placer]", Basque Studies Program Newsletter, 1974 (maiatza), (10. zk.), 5.
  • "The Beret", [Txapela], Basque Studies Programm Newsletter, 1972, 10. zk..
  • Nevada: A Bicentennial History, 1977
  • A Cup of tea in Pamplona [Te katilua Iruñan] eleberria, Reno, 1985, fikziozko Pulitzer sarirako izendatua izan zen.
  • A Basque Hotel, 1989, Pulitzer sarirako izendatua.
  • A Time We Knew: Images of Yesterday in the Basque Homeland, 1990
  • The Child of the Holy Ghost, 1992
  • A Lean Year and Other Stories, 1994
  • The Governor's Mansion, 1994
  • Dust Devils, 1997
  • A Private War: An American Code Officer in the Belgian Congo, 1998
  • The Land of My Fathers: A Son's Return to the Basque Country, 1999
  • Time of the Rabies, 2000
  • Travels With My Royal: A Memoir of the Writing Life, 2001.

Artikulu ugari argitaratu zituen, horien artean, 20 bat National Geographic aldizkarian.