
Ertzilla, Manu

  • BARTH, John (1984): "The Literature of exhaustion". The Friday Book. Essays and Other Non Fiction. Putnam. New York. pp. 62-76.
  • BARTH, John (1984): "The Literature of Replenishment". The Friday Book. Essays and Other Non Fiction. Putnam. New York. pp. 193-205.
  • KORTAZAR, Jon (2003): Pott Band. Bilboko Udala. Bilbo.
  • KORTAZAR, Jon. "Hitzik ainitz idatzi dut (1977)". Euskal Literaturaren Hiztegia. EHU-Euskara Institutua, 2008. [Fecha de consulta: 27-04-2012].
  • RETOLAZA, Iratxe. "Obligazio bat". Berria. 2007-05-06.
  • ROJO, Javier. "Ez". El Correo. 1999-09-08.