DeepL translate

111 articles

Aguirre Monasterio, Rafael (Theologians)

Theologian born in Bilbao in 1941, Jesuit religious. Professor of Sacred Scripture, dean of the Faculty of Theology, University of Deusto and director(...)Read the article

La influencia de ultramar en la cocina vasca (Cuisine)

The arrival of new products from overseas (from which the word "ultramarinos", so common until not so long ago, derives to define the grocery or food (...)Read the article

De Amézaga y Zabala, Abraham (Biographies)

Writer, journalist and lecturer specialising in luxury and quality, born in Bilbao on 5 December 1974.With a degree in French Philology, the fruit of (...)Read the article


As for the first element of this name, see . As for baratza, we can say that in current speech it means orchard. But in the past it must also have mea(...)Read the article

Alvaro Ocáriz, José Andrés (Biographies)

José Andrés Alvaro Ocáriz is an educator, writer and cultural disseminator born in San Sebastián on 25 July 1962.He has a degree in Hispanic Philo(...)Read the article

Apellániz Castroviejo, Juan María (Archaeologists)

Multifaceted archaeologist born in Bilbao (Bizkaia) on 12 January 1932.He studied for the priesthood at the seminary in Vitoria until 1955, Philosophy(...)Read the article

Gorriti Goldaracena, Joan (Sculptors)

Sculptor from Navarre, born in Oderitz in 1942.Since 1975, when he held his first exhibition in Arribe, he has participated in more than twenty group (...)Read the article

Aldazabal Bardají, Peio (Cinema-TV-Radio)

Filmmaker from Guipuzcoa, born in San Sebastian on August 24, 1949. He studied Industrial Officialía Industrial in the Professional School San I(...)Read the article


Allocution delivered by King Alfonso XII on 13 March 1876 at the end of the Second Carlist War with the defeat of the rebels. It was written by the Mi(...)Read the article

School canteens in Donostia-San Sebastian (Concept)

School canteens were charitable institutions that provided free food to needy children throughout the school year.The initial initiative was philanthr(...)Read the article

Viruela en Gipuzkoa (Concept)

During the 18th century, smallpox was the infectious disease that most aggressively decimated the population in Gipuzkoa (1).In the 18th century, one (...)Read the article